I know it's tough to take 5 minutes to read through something these days with all the videos and pictures there are to view. I'm the same way but lately I've been forcing myself to finish, completely finish what I start reading whether on FB, a book, an article. It's nice to remember I can do one thing at a time. So just read it and share it would you:) ANYWAY... We have arrived! It's New Years Eve. WOW! Although I'm calling bull shit on NYE and you'll see why later. How was 2015 for you? I read things each year where people say it was the worst year ever and that the next year WILL be great! As if they can stop the things that are painful from happening. Can you feel joy without knowing what pain feels like? Haven't you ever felt joy and pain simultaneously? I have felt that so many times this year. The beauty and pain of life are intertwined in this dance bringing tears to my eyes. The older I get, the more I practice meditation, yoga, awareness, life, the more I realize I have no clue how this life thing goes, and in turn I am able to let go of "trying" to control everything. That is a big LAUGH OUT LOUD!..control. The more I let go and live from my heart, the more life reveals itself in subtle beautiful ways. My heart is literally bursting with love despite the fact that I do not have it all, that is, all the things I think I want. There is so much pressure to set goals, to make changes, to make it the best year ever...Like I said in the beginning of this letter to you, I'm going to call bull shit on NYE. Are you really scrambling around on this one day to figure out what we screwed up this past year so we don't do it again next year? How about you stop. Just STOP. You are perfect just as you are in this moment. I know the ball hasn't dropped yet and you are perfect right now...imagine that. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right here and now. Maybe it sucks? That's ok. Let go of the pressure to set goals, intentions, visions and what not. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS...just simply act as if those goals, intentions, and visions, have already happened. What do those things feel like, or look like on you? Or don't. It's up to you. Life will still unfold one way or the other. Although I'll admit working toward an awakened life is much more fulfilling than floating through life waiting for stuff to happen. If you decide to one thing, let it be faith. Faith in yourself and Faith in something GOD. I know it's a loaded word but get over it and figure out what God is to you. That's all. Faith is a beautiful thing, because it allows you to live from the heart, wish, dream, set goals, work toward intentions and then give up control and trust that it's all being synchronized in some amazing way that we could have never have dreamed up even if we tried. What ARE you ready for in 2016? I don't think any of us really know and if I look back at my life experiences I recognize that things pretty much never turn out exactly how I imagined them to be and things happened that I would have never imagined. If you decide to act "as if" all of your goals, intentions, and visions are here now, be ready to let go of outcomes and see how it unfolds. It's fun. Life is meant to be fun. HOLD ON for one more minute...Let's go even further. Let's take the Yogic's the only path I know, or maybe it's the only path I like? Let go of all the pressure of acting "as if", of setting goals, intentions, and visions. I know it sounded so exciting (so do it if you love it). But...are you Ready for the this? Make beautiful wishes, visions, and dreams for other people, people you know and love, for strangers, for people you think you hate. Wishes of love, happiness, perfect health, abundance, prosperity. Wish that they lived in a big house with a loving family. Visions that they can travel to exotic places. Wish for ALL the things you would wish for yourself. Wish for them to be relieved of suffering from the past, present, and future, wish that the earth is a peaceful loving place and that the hardened hearts soften, that trauma be lifted and healed, that each person receives all the things they need in life and then some. Dream that all children feel unconditional love and joy. Visualize that each person awakens from the slumber of scarcity, from the slumber of disconnection. Wish that each person recognizes the light in each other and themselves. AND THEN...recognize, embrace, sit with, breathe...THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN THAT PLACE IN YOU AND I AM IN THAT PL ACE IN ME THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US, the meaning of Namaste. Get lost in Namaste. Lose yourself in love. In peace. In JOY. Love, Jennifer
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jennifer Williamsjennifer is a mother, entrepreneur, artist, writer, peace activist, yogi, holisitc wellness and body work expert, and just a general lover of life in all its forms! Archives
October 2017