december student spotlight
A number of Patti’s friends have practiced yoga over the years and always encouraged her to give it a try. They shared with her that yoga was more than just sitting and breathing but rather a way to strengthen her body, increase her flexibility and keep her balanced both physically and emotionally. The first time she tried it, she fell in love. Patti purchased a Groupon back in the fall of 2014 and has been at J.O.Y. ever since.
“I thought that yoga would help me learn how to stretch properly and breathe more deeply. I received so much more. Yoga is quite a workout and I feel so much better after class, both physically and emotionally. I started practicing yoga 14 years ago with a teacher who had a studio in her home. After several years, she moved to Hawaii. I needed to find another yoga class in the area and just happened to come across Inge Blythe’s yoga class. Our kids went to the same elementary school and she was letting the moms know she was teaching a yoga class. Due to a scheduling conflict, I couldn’t continue going to Inge’s class. That is when I came across J.O.Y. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Inge now teaches at J.O.Y.!” “I’ve always been one to worry and fill my mind with less than constructive thoughts. Yoga has really opened my mind and allowed me to think more clearly and focus on positive thoughts. Shauna always begins her classes with a moment of “thankfulness”. She asks everyone to share what they are thankful for. It’s a great way to stop and focus on how much we have to be grateful for in our daily lives. Physically, some of the biggest changes in my body have been my ability to stretch, strengthen and elongate my muscles. In fact, when I went to see my doctor recently she said I had grown ¼ inch! My lower back pain decreased, my muscles got stronger and leaner. Spiritually, I feel closer to God and have a stronger sense of inner peace. Yoga has made me feel so much better about myself.” november student highlight
One of Bert’s personal challenges is a lack of flexibility. It seemed to him that yoga would help increase and improve his flexibility while providing an opportunity to try more difficult poses as he improved. Bert discovered J.O.Y. Wellness through the Salem New Hampshire continuing education group and though it would be a good fit for him. He attended his first yoga class in February 2017.
“Frankly, I was a little apprehensive because I was not sure at what level we would be starting. I try and stay pretty active, and flexibility and core strength are key elements of my activities. It was my hope that yoga would be a path to helping me improve in those areas, and it certainly has! My initial focus was on the physical aspects of yoga and, over time, I found my flexibility and strength were challenged and improved with practice. In addition, I really like the emphasis that is given to the other parts of this discipline like meditative mindfulness, and the open awareness that we are all connected. By integrating those elements into each practice session, I find the overall experience personally enriching.” october student highlight
Jami had a lot of stress building in her life. The challenges with her son who has special needs and an increase of symptoms related to her autoimmune issues began taking a toll on Jami both mentally and physically. She knew she had to do something for herself and while scrolling through Groupon, she discovered J.O.Y and decided to give it a try.
Her expectations were to possibly reduce her levels of anxiety and to decrease her physical pain. It’s been almost a year (November) since Jami has been practicing yoga and meditation and here’s what she has to say about her journey. “Yoga has completely transformed my life. I’m stronger both mentally and physically. I’m more positive and self-aware. I’m more open-minded and present in my life and the challenges that come along. It’s helped me realize I can’t take care of others unless I can take care of myself first. Yoga has improved all of the relationships in my life and I feel a deeper connection to God. I’ve also learned to let go of control. It’s improved my self-confidence as well as helped me to lose weight. My pain has been greatly reduced and I’ve embraced a new sense of calm and peace in life. I feel my practice has helped shape me into a better version of myself and I truly look forward to what my ongoing practice holds for me.” J.O.Y. YOGA STUDENT HIGHLIGHT - SEPTEMBER 2017
Joan has been living with several health issues including chronic pain and inflammation for a couple of years now. It has affected many areas of her life. She lost her job of 28 years as a nurse. She went from living an active lifestyle to becoming sedentary. She knew she needed help that her doctors couldn't give her.
“I'm not a fan of exercise and a friend suggested I try yoga. So glad I did!” J.O.Y. is close to Joan’s house and one day she decided to walk in and ask a few questions. She’s now been practicing for about four and a half months. As far as expectations of yoga, Joan had none. “I didn't think I would like it. I wanted to be able to touch my toes again! I can, and more! My mind is calmer, it doesn't seem to race as much as it used to. I can focus better. My body does not have as many flare ups of the pain and inflammation, and when it does it is minimal. I’m more flexible and have slightly more endurance. Focusing on my breathing in class has helped me with my own respiratory issues as well. My spirit is helping me stay grounded, more accepting of myself and my limits. Joining J.O.Y. was one of the healthiest decisions I have made in a very long time.” |